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School children at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees-run school at Al-Baqa'a in Palestine. 

"There are currently 1.8 billion young people between the

ages of 10 and 24 in the world. This is the largest

youth population ever. However, more than 

half of all children and adolescents aged 6-14

lack basic reading and maths skills,

despite the fact that the majority of them

are attending school. This global learning crisis

threatens to severely hamper progress towards the SDGs."

Above Quote Courtesy, United Nations

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“Transforming Education”

2019 Theme:

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 SDG 4 

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong

learning opportunities for all.

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Courtesy, United Nations

"This year’s theme highlights efforts to make education more inclusive and accessible for all youth, including efforts by youth themselves. Rooted in Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” – International Youth Day 2019 will examine how Governments, young people and youth-led and youth-focused organizations, as well as other stakeholders, are transforming education so that it becomes a powerful tool to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. . . . ."


Above Quote Courtesy, United Nations

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Reminder. . .

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Courtesy, United Nations

There's no time to waste!

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Courtesy, United Nations

Let's all work together . . .

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Courtesy, United Nations

 to "transform education" . . .

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  . . . for future generations

already with us today!

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Learn more about International Youth Day

on the following web page:

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Courtesy, United Nations

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EPACHA Foundation Extends

Sincere Thanks 

to all herein who helped make its

"International Youth Day 2019"

web page possible!

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If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.


Sincerest Thanks are Extended to for having made possible an archived viewing of


EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:


Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:






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